Everett was injured Sunday on a tackle and suffered a severe spinal injury, but doctors say he has voluntary movement in his arms and legs, and that s a good sign. 艾弗瑞特于上周日比赛中阻截对方时脊椎受重伤,但医生说好在他四肢还能够随意运动。
Result: Morphological observation showed minor lesion at the matrix of cartilage and a part of chondrocytes had hyperactive synthetic and secretary function in the group of short segmental spinal fixation, this sign accorded with the degeneration at early stage; 结果:短节段组出现了软骨基质的破坏,部分软骨细胞呈现出活跃的分泌功能,符合软骨早期退变的表现;
Syndrome of hemisection of the spinal cord, cerebellum ataxia.. cranial nerves sign was masculine etc. 主要临床表现有发热、乏力、头痛、呕吐、嗜睡、昏迷、抽搐、瘫痪、脊髓半切征、小脑共济失调、颅神经征阳性等。
Lumber spinal stenosis syndrome was series sign and symptom arising from compressed lumber nerve system. 腰椎管狭窄症是腰神经组织受压引起的一系列症状和体征。